Your Complete Population Health Management Solution
Wellfit is a national leader in corporate wellness that is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses thrive by offering tailored resources, tools, and incentives that educate, empower, and support participants in adopting habits and attitudes that contribute to their health and quality of life.
We strive to save companies and employees money by helping create balance in nutrition, activity, and life!
Service, Education and Stewardship
Health Coaching, Health Screening,
Wellness Programs and Consulting Services <br>Learn More
Population Health Management
Inspire Change with Tailored Participant Experience <br>Learn More
Stretch Program,
Work Conditioning Program and Ergonomic Review <br>Learn More
September Completely Well Newsletter
In this month's issue:
- Does your Fitness Routine Fit your Fitness Needs?
- Ghosting
- Know Your Numbers: Healthy Bones
- Eat Like you Live in a "Blue Zone"
- Finance Choices & Relationships
The WILL Program® covers all 8 Dimensions of wellness, including physical, mental, spiritual, and occupational. Leaders will enhance their personal health, personal skills, and company culture by learning the following:
- What an unhealthy workforce looks like, why it’s costing your company time and money, and how we can improve the health of the workforce for a company “win” and an associate “win”.
- Keeping your mind and body nourished to feel better today, tomorrow, and 20 years from now.
- Why exercise and daily activity is so important for the health of your leaders and associates, both long-term and short-term.
- The science of gratitude, appreciation, and respecting one
another, and why it’s important for a thriving company
culture. - And much, much more!