Our wellness division focuses on workplace health promotion to support healthy behavior and improve health outcomes. We offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of each individual client. We meet you where you are to develop the best plan for implementation of a wellness center or revise current wellness programming. Our customizable health-focused services can be scaled to meet the needs of most employers.
Among 22 different studies that looked at wellness programs and healthcare costs, the average return on investment was $3.27. This means that for every dollar that was spent on the wellness program, the company saved $3.27 because of reduced healthcare costs.
Every dollar spent on wellness programs, companies saved $3.27 in reduced healthcare costs. SOURCE
Health programs and education
- Evidence-based tools and accountability to assist employees in improving their health
- Build rapport with and guide clients to reach their health goals, and create a healthier work culture
- Engaging programs that educate, inspire and empower your people to be a champion for their own well-being
- Engaging education on health topics to improve the health of the whole organization
- We use data to make targeted programs and education to help your company improve in areas they struggle with the most
What is wellness?
Wellness DefinitionWellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.
Why Wellness Matters
Maintaining an optimal level of wellness is absolutely crucial to living a higher quality of life. Wellness matters because everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being. In turn, our well-being directly affects our actions and emotions. It’s an ongoing circle. Therefore, it is important for everyone to achieve optimal wellness in order to subdue stress, reduce the risk of illness and ensure positive interactions.
Healthcare Consulting Services
- Assist to create a healthy workplace culture so that your wellness program can thrive
- We become your complete resource so you can focus on your job while creating a cost-effective and sustainable program
- Maximize employee engagement and morale
Health Coaching
Changes with Reasonable Alternative Health Coaching
Columbus, Indiana CompanyThe reasonable alternative program allows employees to actively work on their health risk factors with a health coach. In addition to improving their health risk factors, the reasonable alternative program can help employees save money on their health insurance premiums.
- 187 associates (77.6% of 241 total screened) went through the reasonable alternative (screened in 2017, 3 coaching appointments, and screened in 2018)
- 113 unique associates went through health coaching and improved at least one biometric category (60% of all associates who signed up for the reasonable alternative)
# of Risk Factors
27.3% who coached improved (51 associates)
31.5% who did not coach got worse (17 associates)
7% who coached improved (13 associates)
9.3% who did not coach got worse (5 associates)
13.9% who coached improved (28 associates)
11.1% who did not coach got worse (6 associates)
Tobacco Use
5.3% who coached improved (10 associates)
9.3% who did not coach got worse (5 associates)
Blood Pressure
34.2% who coached improved (64 associates)
25.9% who did not coach got worse (14 associates)
17.6% who coached improved (33 associates)
18.5% who did not coach got worse (10 associates)
WILL Program
The Wellness In Leadership Program (W.I.L.L.) is a program specifically designed for WellFit leaders to help your company leaders improve their personal health, learn ways to assist their associates to improve their health, and ultimately improve the overall health of your organization.
Health Screening
Health screenings are often a great starting place for an organization’s wellness program. Screenings give your employees an opportunity to be proactive about their health. During our screening process, employees are taken through a few tests measuring their biometrics. This valuable information often acts as motivation for employees to reach their health goals. We share the aggregate data with you to look at trends to be proactive in your company’s health. All personal identifiable information obtained from the health screening is kept confidential.