Are your employees struggling with their weight?

WellFit is here to help! 

As a full-service wellness provider, WellFit has solutions to help your employees in all 8 dimensions of wellbeing including weight management.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you improve your employee’s total wellbeing! 

  • ROI and overweight employee can cost $4,000 to $8,000 more annually than a healthy weight employee
  • Obesity can lead a person into depression, diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, more missed work

It's time to tighten the belt on expenses with improved employee health!

Every dollar spent on wellness programs, companies saved $3.27 in reduced healthcare costs. SOURCE


Health Coaching

Health coaching uses evidence-based tools to assist employees in improving their health. Health coaches build rapport, actively listen, and guide the client towards goals that are meaningful for them. Our health coaching program can provide accountability, tobacco cessation, increasing energy levels, and decreasing aches and pains, among many other health goals that are important to the employee.

Providing an onsite fitness facility for your employees to de-stress, improve their health, and have fun will help boost their health, morale, and overall job satisfaction. WellFit can help you design the perfect fitness center that meets your needs, budget, and available space. We also provide Worksite Health & Fitness Specialists that will help work with your employees on achieving their health goals, such as reducing aches and pains, achieving a healthy weight, and increasing their energy.
Smokers were 28% more likely to have high presenteeism than non-smokers.
Employees with an unhealthy diet were 66% more likely to have high presenteeism than those who regularly ate whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Employees who didn’t exercise very much were 50% more likely to have high presenteeism than employees who were regular exercisers.
These findings demonstrate that poor health behaviors are strongly associated with high levels of presenteeism.

WILL Program

The Wellness In Leadership Program (W.I.L.L.) is a program specifically designed for WellFit leaders to help your company leaders improve their personal health, learn ways to assist their associates to improve their health, and ultimately improve the overall health of your organization.

Workplace Wellness Statistics Every Employer Should Know by Dr. Steven Aldana

Get the facts: